ESP Biography

VIVIAN CHEN, Stanford Biology PhD Student/Amateur Doodler!

Major: Biology

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Vivian Chen

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hello everyone! I am a proud Southern Californian who attended UCLA and studied Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology with a minor in Biomedical Research. Now, I am finishing my PhD in Biology at Stanford. In the lab I study an evolutionary phenomenon called overdominance using baker's yeast. At seminars and conferences, I love to sketch the speaker and their science. These sketches have been retweeted by Nobel Laureates like Frances Arnold and famous science writers like Carl Zimmer.

Outside of the lab, I love hiking, running, and eating (mostly eating to be honest). You can also find me listening to an audiobook and doodling or handlettering.

Check out my work at:

IG: @madebyvivianchen,
Twitter: @viviankchen,

Past Classes

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