ESP Biography

MAGGIE TEETS, Sophomore studying Religious Studies/Philosophy.

Major: Religious Studies and Philosophy

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: 2016

Picture of Maggie Teets

Brief Biographical Sketch:

A native of Colorado, Maggie is a passionate and short (5'2") undergraduate. She's interested in the intersection of humanities and medicine, and aspires to practice third-world medicine. She loves gymnastics, peanut butter, sunrises, and classic rock music. This summer, Maggie and her co-teacher plan on swimming with penguins in South Africa.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S3965: A Class on Class in Splash Fall 2014 (Nov. 08 - 09, 2014)
The study of social structure influences all fields of academics, from Archaeology to Economics to Public Health. In this class on class, we'll explore the evolving ways humans have chosen to organize themselves throughout history and the implications these social structures have on our modern society.

S3403: Class on Class: Social Structures from the Neolithic to Mean Girls in Splash! Spring 2014 (Apr. 12 - 13, 2014)
This class on class examines the development of social structures ranging from Neolithic communities to the dramatized cliques behind "Mean Girls." Course concepts will be addressed from an archaeological and ethical focus. Particular emphasis is placed on the morality behind class structures.