ESP Biography


Major: Human Biology

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: 2016

Picture of Lina Vadlamani

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

B3667: Hepatitis B: What Should I Know? in Splash! Spring 2014 (Apr. 12 - 13, 2014)
Hepatitis B is an infectious disease that affects the liver and can lead to liver cancer. Although it affects everyone, it is particularly prevalent in Asians and Pacific Islanders and is an interesting health disparity in our time. Learn more about the disease, the people affected by Hep B, and what you can do to fight against it! B informed, B tested, B free!

B3722: To Test or Not To Test? The Ethical Debates of Genetically Inherited Diseases in Splash! Spring 2014 (Apr. 12 - 13, 2014)
If you could find out whether you will develop a disease with no known cure, would you want to know? This course will provide an introduction to the science behind Huntington’s Disease, which is a genetically inherited disease that affects both the mind and the body. After an overview of cool topics like DNA and genetics, we will talk about genetic testing – what that is, and how it applies to parents or children who may have Huntington’s Disease. You will then use this knowledge to debate the ethical concerns that arise when screening for inherited diseases. If your parents have Huntington’s Disease, would you get tested? If you were going to have children but did not know if you had the disease, would you get tested? Would you have kids if you tested positive?

B3235: To Test or Not To Test? The Ethical Debates of Genetically Inherited Diseases in Splash! Fall 2013 (Nov. 02 - 03, 2013)
If you could find out whether you will develop a disease with no known cure, would you want to know? This course will provide an introduction to the science behind Huntington’s Disease, which is a genetically inherited disease that affects both the mind and the body. After an overview of cool topics like DNA and genetics, we will talk about genetic testing – what that is, and how it applies to parents or children who may have Huntington’s Disease. You will then use this knowledge to debate the ethical concerns that arise when screening for inherited diseases. If your parents have Huntington’s Disease, would you get tested? If you were going to have children but did not know if you had the disease, would you get tested? Would you have kids if you tested positive?