ESP Biography

JONATHAN MALTZ, Stanford Grad stud. in theoretical physics

Major: physics

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Jonathan Maltz

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I am originally from N.Y.C. I have been interested in Science and Math from a very young age. A lot of things conspired to get me interested in them, but I suppose that the main things were seeing certain shows on public television (namely a special entitled 'the creation of the universe'), the human space program, and my favorite books (still to this day) 'Alice in wonderland' and 'Through the looking glass and what Alice found there'. I started with Physics and Math at around 10 years of age and stuck with it ever since. I was very imaginative, curious, and creative as a child. In my free time I used to build models and toys, and take things apart to see how they worked, read books about anything that would increase my knowledge of the world. I think I always have had an appreciation for the wonder and beauty of the Universe and everything in it. My undergraduate institution was the City College of City University of New York (the flag ship CUNY school) and now I find myself studying Theoretical and Mathematical Physics at Stanford.

At present I am in my Fifth year as a PhD student. I am a student of Dr. Leonard Susskind, the Felix Bloch professor of physics here at Stanford and my research interests are: High energy particle theory, Cosmology, String theory, and Mathematical physics.

Apart from physics I continue to have a large interests in other sciences like biology(specifically human biology) and chemistry. I am fasinated by technology and feats of enginneering, like the space program, the LHC, and others.

Outside of work, I feel I am student of the world. I love People and I find them fascinating, I love interacting with them. Meeting new friends and relations, getting to know them, and finding really interesting people are some of my favorite things to do in the world. Sometimes I find Humanity just as awesome and beautiful as the universe, sometimes even more so. Traveling is in my blood, just exploring in general, whether it is new places, foods, thoughts or experiences. I still create things like models, drawings, digital art, Computers and Computer programs. I love to read Sci-fi and fantasy, go out with friends, swim, bike ride, run, and practice kempo Karate, and I am also beginning to study cooking, and study other languages.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

P2279: Newtonian Mechanics and Electromagnetism (1 of 5 in Lectures in Physics) in Splash! Spring 2012 (Apr. 21 - 22, 2012)
The Physics of the everyday world. How the Earth goes around the Sun, how planes fly, why a pebble and a boulder will hit the ground at the same time. See how the same equations that govern how the electical circuits in your house work describe the electromagnetic magnetic fields of galaxies, as well as the light coming from both of them. From projectiles to Heavy Machinery, from light bulbs to particle accelerators. See how this basic starting point of modern Physics influences many aspects of the world. The subject isn't as Classical as it’s name implies.

P2280: Special and General relativity - (2 of 5 in lectures in physics) in Splash! Spring 2012 (Apr. 21 - 22, 2012)
You have heard of $E = mc^2$ but what about $G_{\mu.\nu} = \frac{8\pi G}{c^4}T_{\mu,\nu} $? Learn how fast is fast, and how the speed of light made us change our notions of Classical physics, space time and the very nature of the universe.

P2281: Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics (3 of 5 in lectures in physics) in Splash! Spring 2012 (Apr. 21 - 22, 2012)
Welcome to the funhouse. If you thought relativity was weird, just wait. Dive into the weird world of quantum mechanics were particles can go through walls, become entangled with particles on the other side of the universe, and can be simultaneously in two completely different states all at the same time. While we are at it, see how statistics and large numbers of degrees in freedom in classical physics emerge into an new theory of probablities which describes systems as complex as atmospheres and biological tissues described though simple parameters such as heat and pressure.

P2282: Quantum Field Theory, Particle Physics, Cosmology, and all that.(4 of 5 in lectures in physics) in Splash! Spring 2012 (Apr. 21 - 22, 2012)
The current state of modern physics; how we think the universe works. Find out how the rules of quantum mechanics and special relativity gives way to a formalism and theory that is the most accurate theory in all of science. A model that describes in principle all of Chemistry, Nuclear physics, and almost every interaction of the world that doesn’t involve Gravity. See how the rules of physics on the largest scales (General Relativity) describe the formations of galxies and Superclusters and even decribes the history and beginning of the universe itself in the big bang. Find out how the universe is not only expanding but speeding up, and why 96% of the universe is made out of matter and energy that we have no idea what it is, the so called dark matter and dark energy.

P2283: Advanced Topics - Supergravity, String theory and the future - (5 of 5 in lectures in physics) in Splash! Spring 2012 (Apr. 21 - 22, 2012)
The cutting edge of physics. The rules of Q.F.T. describe the very small and the rules of G.R. describe the very large; when the two are put together however they are inconsistent. It isn’t just that they disagree they don’t even speak the same language yet they are supposed to describe the same universe. Find out what all this talk of Strings is about. Why we are looking for this strange symmetry between between bosons and fermions, why a 27 km circumference Hadron collider has been built in europe looking for a particle named after a guy called Higgs. Why Emergent phenomemon, Computational physics, Condensed matter and String theory might be the physics of the next century and why the beginning of the universe might have more to do with a bubble forming in boiling water then you think.

P1829: Newtonian Mechanics and Electromagnetism (1 of 5 in Lectures in Physics) in Splash! Fall 2011 (Oct. 29 - 30, 2011)
The Physics of the everyday world. How the Earth goes around the Sun, how planes fly, why a pebble and a boulder will hit the ground at the same time. See how the same equations that govern how the electical circuits in your house work describe the electromagnetic magnetic fields of galaxies, as well as the light coming from both of them. From projectiles to Heavy Machinery, from light bulbs to particle accelerators. See how this basic starting point of modern Physics influences many aspects of the world. The subject isn’t as Classical as it’s name implies.

P1830: Special and General relativity - (2 of 5 in lectures in physics) in Splash! Fall 2011 (Oct. 29 - 30, 2011)
You have heard of E=mc2
but what about Gμ.ν=8πGc4Tμ,ν
? Learn how fast is fast, and how the speed of light made us change our notions of Classical physics, space time and the very nature of the universe.

P1831: Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics (3 of 5 in lectures in physics) in Splash! Fall 2011 (Oct. 29 - 30, 2011)
Welcome to the funhouse. If you thought relativity was weird, just wait. Dive into the weird world of quantum mechanics were particles can go through walls, become entangled with particles on the other side of the universe, and can be simultaneously in two completely different states all at the same time. While we are at it, see how statistics and large numbers of degrees in freedom in classical physics emerge into an new theory of probablities which describes systems as complex as atmospheres and biological tissues described though simple parameters such as heat and pressure.

P1833: Quantum Field Theory, Particle Physics, Cosmology, and all that.(4 of 5 in lectures in physics) in Splash! Fall 2011 (Oct. 29 - 30, 2011)
The current state of modern physics; how we think the universe works. Find out how the rules of quantum mechanics and special relativity gives way to a formalism and theory that is the most accurate theory in all of science. A model that describes in principle all of Chemistry, Nuclear physics, and almost every interaction of the world that doesn’t involve Gravity. See how the rules of physics on the largest scales (General Relativity) describe the formations of galxies and Superclusters and even decribes the history and beginning of the universe itself in the big bang. Find out how the universe is not only expanding but speeding up, and why 96% of the universe is made out of matter and energy that we have no idea what it is, the so called dark matter and dark energy.

P1834: Advanced Topics - Supergravity, String theory and the future - (5 of 5 in lectures in physics in Splash! Fall 2011 (Oct. 29 - 30, 2011)
The cutting edge of physics. The rules of Q.F.T. describe the very small and the rules of G.R. describe the very large; when the two are put together however they are inconsistent. It isn’t just that they disagree they don’t even speak the same language yet they are supposed to describe the same universe. Find out what all this talk of Strings is about. Why we are looking for this strange symmetry between between bosons and fermions, why a 27 km circumference Hadron collider has been built in europe looking for a particle named after a guy called Higgs. Why Emergent phenomemon, Computational physics, Condensed matter and String theory might be the physics of the next century and why the beginning of the universe might have more to do with a bubble forming in boiling water then you think.

P1371: Classical Physics (1 of 5) Lectures in Physics in Splash! Spring 2011 (Apr. 16 - 17, 2011)
Classical Mechanics and Electrodynamics. Basically the physics of the everyday world. We introduce the concepts of Mass, Velocity, Momentum, and Energy and how they are used to describe processes as walking down the street to how planets orbit stars. This is a suggested prerequisite for the other courses.

P1372: Special and General Relativity (2 of 5) in lectures in physics in Splash! Spring 2011 (Apr. 16 - 17, 2011)
How fast is fast? What does E=mc2
and Gμ,ν=8πGc4Tμν
actually mean? The physics of the very large and the modern theory of Gravitation, that governs how stars and galaxies form, how the universe at large works, and how space and time flow.

P1373: Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics (3 of 5) in Lectures in Physics in Splash! Spring 2011 (Apr. 16 - 17, 2011)
Welcome to the Fun House. We discuss the world of the very small and the laws that govern the interactions of fundamental particles. Welcome to a world where knowing where you are means you can tell how fast you are going, object can be in a superposition of different states at the same time, and things can spontaneously appear from the vacuum as long as they go away before anyone notices. (P)(X)2
and other fun stuff.

P1374: quantum field theory and cosmology (4 of 5) Lectures in physics in Splash! Spring 2011 (Apr. 16 - 17, 2011)
The basis for the most accurate and one the most far reaching theories in all of science "the standard model", quantum field theory is the combination of quantum mechanics and special relativity, which describes the basis of particle physics and ineractions between fundamental particles. After this we disscuss our modern understanding of the formation of the universe from the big bang onwards.

P1375: advanced topics (5 of 5) Lectures in physics in Splash! Spring 2011 (Apr. 16 - 17, 2011)
String Theory, Supersymmetry, Inflation, Quantum information, Blackholes and Hawking radiation, and what the Large Hadron Collider is supposed to do. Some the many things we will disscuss in this final lecture in the series.

S975: Newtonian Mechanics and Electromagnetism (1 of 5 in Lectures in Physics) in Splash! Fall 2010 (Nov. 13 - 14, 2010)
The Physics of the everyday world. How the Earth goes around the Sun, how planes fly, why a pebble and a boulder will hit the ground at the same time. See how the same equations that govern how the electical circuits in your house work describe the electromagnetic magnetic fields of galaxies, as well as the light coming from both of them. From projectiles to Heavy Machinery, from light bulbs to particle accelerators. See how this basic starting point of modern Physics influences many aspects of the world. The subject isn't as Classical as it’s name implies.

S976: Special and General relativity - (2 of 5 in lectures in physics) in Splash! Fall 2010 (Nov. 13 - 14, 2010)
You have heard of E=mc2
but what about Gμ.ν=8πGc4Tμ,ν
? Learn how fast is fast, and how the speed of light made us change our notions of Classical physics, space time and the very nature of the universe.

S977: Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics (3 of 5 in lectures in physics) in Splash! Fall 2010 (Nov. 13 - 14, 2010)
Welcome to the funhouse. If you thought relativity was weird, just wait. Dive into the weird world of quantum mechanics were particles can go through walls, become entangled with particles on the other side of the universe, and can be simultaneously in two completely different states all at the same time. While we are at it, see how statistics and large numbers of degrees in freedom in classical physics emerge into an new theory of probablities which describes systems as complex as atmospheres and biological tissues described though simple parameters such as heat and pressure.

S978: Quantum Field Theory, Particle Physics, Cosmology, and all that.(4 of 5 in lectures in physics) in Splash! Fall 2010 (Nov. 13 - 14, 2010)
The current state of modern physics; how we think the universe works. Find out how the rules of quantum mechanics and special relativity gives way to a formalism and theory that is the most accurate theory in all of science. A model that describes in principle all of Chemistry, Nuclear physics, and almost every interaction of the world that doesn’t involve Gravity. See how the rules of physics on the largest scales (General Relativity) describe the formations of galxies and Superclusters and even decribes the history and beginning of the universe itself in the big bang. Find out how the universe is not only expanding but speeding up, and why 96% of the universe is made out of matter and energy that we have no idea what it is, the so called dark matter and dark energy.

S979: Advanced Topics - Supergravity, String theory and the future - (5 of 5 in lectures in physics) in Splash! Fall 2010 (Nov. 13 - 14, 2010)
The cutting edge of physics. The rules of Q.F.T. describe the very small and the rules of G.R. describe the very large; when the two are put together however they are inconsistent. It isn’t just that they disagree they don’t even speak the same language yet they are supposed to describe the same universe. Find out what all this talk of Strings is about. Why we are looking for this strange symmetry between between bosons and fermions, why a 27 km circumference Hadron collider has been built in europe looking for a particle named after a guy called Higgs. Why Emergent phenomemon, Computational physics, Condensed matter and String theory might be the physics of the next century and why the beginning of the universe might have more to do with a bubble forming in boiling water then you think.

S721: Newtonian Mechanics and Electromagnetism (1 of 5 in Lectures in Physics) in Splash! Spring 2010 (Apr. 17 - 18, 2010)
The Physics of the everyday world. How the Earth goes around the Sun, how planes fly, why a pebble and a boulder will hit the ground at the same time. See how the same equations that govern how the electical circuits in your house work describe the electromagnetic magnetic fields of galaxies, as well as the light coming from both of them. From projectiles to Heavy Machinery, from light bulbs to particle accelerators. See how this basic starting point of modern Physics influences many aspects of the world and isn't as Classical as it's name implies.

S722: Special and General relativity - (2 of 5 in lectures in physics) in Splash! Spring 2010 (Apr. 17 - 18, 2010)
You have heard of $E = mc^2$ but what about $G_{\mu.\nu} = \frac{8\pi G}{c^4}T_{\mu,\nu} $? Learn how fast is fast, and how the speed of light made us change our notions of Classical physics, space time and the very nature of the universe.

S723: Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics (3 of 5 in lectures in physics) in Splash! Spring 2010 (Apr. 17 - 18, 2010)
Welcome to the funhouse. If you thought relativity was weird, just wait. Dive into the weird world of quantum mechanics were particles can go through walls, become entangled with particles on the other side of the universe, and can be simultaneously in two completely different states all at the same time. While we are at it, see how statistics and large numbers of degrees in freedom in classical physics emerge into an new theory of probablities which describes systems as complex as atmospheres and biological tissues described though simple parameters such as heat and pressure.

S724: Quantum Field Theory, Particle Physics, Cosmology, and all that.(4 of 5 in lectures in physics) in Splash! Spring 2010 (Apr. 17 - 18, 2010)
The current state of modern physics; how we think the universe works. Find out how the rules of quantum mechanics and special relativity gives way to a formalism and theory that is the most accurate theory in all of science. A model that describes in principle all of Chemistry, Nuclear physics, and almost every interaction of the world that doesn't involve Gravity. See how the rules of physics on the largest scales (General Relativity) describe the formations of galxies and Superclusters and even decribes the history and beginning of the universe itself in the big bang. Find out how the universe is not only expanding but speeding up, and why 96% of the universe is made out of matter and energy that we have no idea what it is, the so called dark matter and dark energy.

S725: Advanced Topics - Supergravity, String theory and the future - (5 of 5 in lectures in physics) in Splash! Spring 2010 (Apr. 17 - 18, 2010)
The cutting edge of physics. The rules of Q.F.T. describe the very small and the rules of G.R. describe the very large; when the two are put together however they are inconsistent. It isn't just that they disagree they don't even speak the same language yet they are supposed to describe the same universe. Find out what all this talk of Strings is about. Why we are looking for this strange symmetry between between bosons and fermions, why a 27 km circumference Hadron collider has been built in europe looking for a particle named after a guy called Higgs. Why Emergent phenomemon, Computational physics, Condensed matter and String theory might be the physics of the next century and why the beginning of the universe might have more to do with a bubble forming in boiling water then you think.

S524: Lectures in Physics 1: Classical mechanics and Electrodynamics in Splash! Fall 2009 (Oct. 10 - 11, 2009)
The Physics of the everyday world, how balls roll, people walk, boats float, planes fly, and rollercoasters work. While not as exotic as some of the other concepts in physics, it is the basis of most of what will follow and it has some pretty wild ideas in its own right.

S525: Lectures in physics 2: Statistical physics and Quantum mechanics in Splash! Fall 2009 (Oct. 10 - 11, 2009)
The physics of complicated systems, ensembles, heat and probablities give way to the weird world of the very small and the quantum realm of what really is reality. Why If you have seen one electron you've seen them all, and why in reality you can't stand still if you stay in the same spot.

S526: Lectures in Physics 3: Special and General relativity in Splash! Fall 2009 (Oct. 10 - 11, 2009)
What is it like to ride a beam of light? how fast is fast, and why is gravity more like driving on a curved surface then being pulled by a wire.

S527: Lectures in Physics 4: Quantum Field theory, Particle Physics and Cosmology in Splash! Fall 2009 (Oct. 10 - 11, 2009)
Where we see our current ideas and descriptions of the natural world and the many holes in them. Where the strange worlds of special relativity and quantum mechanics collide.

S528: Lectures in Physics 5: Advanced Topics in Splash! Fall 2009 (Oct. 10 - 11, 2009)
String theory, Quantum Gravity, Inflation, Supersymmetry phenomenology. The bleading edge of research today, Why we are building a multi-billion dollar collider in europe to find a particle named after a guy called Higgs, and why the universe might be even stranger then we ever imagined. Plus nods to current topics in reasearch of other physiocs frontiers like in condensed matter theory, Chaos, and Quantum Information science.

S416: Series in physics 1of 5 Classical mechanics and electromagnetism in Splash! Spring 2009 (Apr. 04 - 05, 2009)
This is the first of five classes I will teach in physics. Balls, hills, roller coasters, race cars, even space craft and even basic electronics. The physics of the every day world is disscussed in this class. Here we disscuss why its easier to balance a bike when it is moving, why a pot boils faster and cooler at a higher altitude, why your cell phone doesn't work in a metal room or subway train, and why the sky is blue.

S417: Series in Physics 2 of 5 Statistical and Quantum Mechanics in Splash! Spring 2009 (Apr. 04 - 05, 2009)
Welcome to the fun house. We apply the basic knowledge of classical physics to atoms and systems of many particles to find out how your fridge works, why ice floats and how heat works. We then turn the whole world upside down when we find out the intuition that we learned since birth really doesn't apply to nature. Wave functions, probablities, particles that don't know where they are until we look at them and atoms in two places at once all in the world of quantum mechanics.

S418: Series in Physics 3 of 5 Special and General Relativity in Splash! Spring 2009 (Apr. 04 - 05, 2009)
How fast is fast? What happens when we find out that time and space are not set in stone but plastic and dynamical objects. Weclome to the world where people can't agree whether or not something happened at the same time and where time will slow down if you go fast enough. In short, welcome to Einstein's universe. Here we see the universe on the grandest scales, find out that gravity isn't a force in the same way that electromagnetism and nuclear forces are and find out about some of the strangest objects in the universe some of which, even light can't escape.

S419: Series in physics 4 of 5 particle physics and cosmology in Splash! Spring 2009 (Apr. 04 - 05, 2009)
Employing the worlds of the very small and very large (Quantum Mechanics and General relativity), we disscuss the most accurate theory of science known to man (the standard model of particle physics) a theory the explains why chemsitry works, how nuclear forces hold nuclei together and basically how the world as we know it works. then we discuss how stars and galaxies form and even the big bang itself.

S420: Series in physics 5 of 5 Advanced topics in Splash! Spring 2009 (Apr. 04 - 05, 2009)
We find out about the current topics in physics. String theory, Supersymmetry, inflation, Computational physics, quantum computing, just to name a few. Why 96 percent of the universe is dark, why we are building 4 mile long gravity wave detectors, satelites that can see the most energetic light we know about, the worlds largest super computers, and 27 km circumference particle accelerator in europe to replicate energies and forces not seen since just after the big bang.

S86: Classical Physics (section 1 of topics in physics) in Splash! Fall 2008 (Oct. 18, 2008)
Basically a talk about the Newtonian world-view of physics - Why planets go around the sun, why you feel weightless on a roller coaster, why balls roll down hills, and all that jazz. This is Part 1 of a 4 part series.

S99: Relativity (section 2 of topics in physics) in Splash! Fall 2008 (Oct. 18, 2008)
Twin paradoxes, and how fast is FAST? Mass as a lens, and the biggest suckers in the universe. this is part 2 of a 4 part series

S100: Quantum mechanics (section 3 of topics in physics) in Splash! Fall 2008 (Oct. 18, 2008)
Welcome to the fun-house, the looking glass world of quantum mechanics awaits you in this tour of the world of the very small and how it affects many aspects of your life - including your Playstation 3 or Xbox. this is part 3 of a 4 part series.

S101: Adv. and current topics in physics (section 4 of topics in phys) in Splash! Fall 2008 (Oct. 18, 2008)
This is the really crazy stuff - quantum gravity, String theory, Super-symmetry, why 96% of the universe is dark, and why are we building a 10 billion dollar particle accelerator in Europe.