ESP Biography

HAVEN WHITNEY, Stanford sophomore studying computer science

Major: Computer Science

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: 2025

Picture of Haven Whitney

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Haven Whitney is a junior at Stanford who is studying computer science with a focus in systems programming. As a hobby, she's been collecting merch from every other major on campus. Once she gets a medical school Patagonia, her Infinity Guantlet will finally be complete...

Teaching is one of her favorite things to do, which is why she TAs for introductory CS classes. Outside of computer science, she also has a great love for history and is dabbling a bit in the social sciences.
When she's not in classes, Haven can usually be found in the Engineering Quad or outside of Tresidder in the beautiful sun. She enjoys laughing, spending time with her friends, and long walks on the beach.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S7910: Doctor Who, What, When, Where, and Why: The Intricacies of Time Travel in Splash Fall 2023 (Dec. 02 - 03, 2023)
Time travel: it’s not just for the big screen anymore! From blue boxes to black holes, society is as obsessed as it's ever been with cracking the chronological code. This class will cover both the scientific theory and fictional representations of time travel throughout popular culture (yes, including Doctor Who). We’ll discuss film, debate the primary theories and tropes (is it possible to rewrite history? Could a time loop really happen?), become special relativity experts, and even attempt a little time travel of our own.

S7728: Doctor Who, What, When, Where, and Why: The Intricacies of Time Travel in Splash Spring 2022 (May. 14 - 15, 2022)
Time travel: it’s not just for the big screen anymore! From blue boxes to black holes, society is as obsessed as it's ever been with cracking the chronological code. This class will cover both the scientific theory and fictional representations of time travel throughout popular culture (yes, including Doctor Who). We’ll discuss film, debate the primary theories and tropes (is it possible to rewrite history? Could a time loop really happen?), become special relativity experts, and even attempt a little time travel of our own.