ESP Biography

CAMERON KIM, Stanford PhD student, Bioengineering

Major: Bioengineering

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: 2020

Picture of Cameron Kim

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Cameron Kim is a second year PhD student in Bioengineering. He completed his undergraduate at Duke University in Biomedical Engineering and Mathematics. His research studies synthetic biology applications to developing rapid therapeutics for infectious disease control.

While he's not in lab, he enjoys baking, playing quidditch and curling, and brushing up on his trivia. He participated in the Jeopardy! College Championship back in 2014, representing Duke University.

He hopes to become a professor one day as he enjoys teaching younger students how to become awesome engineers!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

C5421: The Physics of Curling in Splash Fall 2016 (Dec. 03 - 04, 2016)
Often called "chess on ice," curling is beginning to infiltrate the United States at a very quick pace. Curling clubs are popping up all across the nation and more amateur curlers are joining the sport every year. But how does it work? Why does curling seem to defy physical laws of motion? What good does sweeping really do? And how important is it to yell at your team while on the ice? Come learn about the history of the sport, how it's played and its rich history, and the controversial science of curling! You'll also learn how to participate in curling in the Bay Area.

H4823: This. Is. Jeopardy! in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 09 - 10, 2016)
Are you a trivia genius? Do you have random useless facts stuck in your head that you need to get out? Has it been a dream of yours to make it a "true daily double"? Why not try your luck on America's Favorite Game Show, Jeopardy! Created by Merv Griffin after a suggestion from his wife, Jeopardy! has become an American cultural icon, spurring celebrities like Ken Jennings, Julia Collins, and parodies on Saturday Night Live. Come learn about the rich history of this game show, how to play it, how to get on the real thing, and play a real game of Jeopardy! from a former Jeopardy! contestant.

P4824: The Physics of Curling in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 09 - 10, 2016)
Often called "chess on ice," curling is beginning to infiltrate the United States at a very quick pace. Curling clubs are popping up all across the nation and more amateur curlers are joining the sport every year. But how does it work? Why does curling seem to defy physical laws of motion? What good does sweeping really do? And how important is it to yell at your team while on the ice? Come learn about the history of the sport, how it's played and its rich history, and the controversial science of curling! You'll also learn how to participate in curling in the Bay Area.

P4254: The Physics of Curling in Splash Spring 2015 (Apr. 11 - 12, 2015)
Often called "chess on ice," curling is beginning to infiltrate the United States at a very quick pace. Curling clubs are popping up all across the nation and more amateur curlers are joining the sport every year. But how does it work? Why does curling seem to defy physical laws of motion? What good does sweeping really do? And how important is it to yell at your team while on the ice? Come learn about the history of the sport, how it's played and its rich history, and the controversial science of curling! You'll also learn how to participate in curling in the Bay Area.

H4263: This. Is. Jeopardy! in Splash Spring 2015 (Apr. 11 - 12, 2015)
Are you a trivia genius? Do you have random useless facts stuck in your head that you need to get out? Has it been a dream of yours to make it a "true daily double"? Why not try your luck on America's Favorite Game Show, Jeopardy! Created by Merv Griffin after a suggestion from his wife, Jeopardy! has become an American cultural icon, spurring celebrities like Ken Jennings, Julia Collins, and parodies on Saturday Night Live. Come learn about the rich history of this game show, how to play it, how to get on the real thing, and play a real game of Jeopardy! from a former Jeopardy! contestant.

B3949: The Science and History of Macaroni and Cheese in Splash Fall 2014 (Nov. 08 - 09, 2014)
If you're obsessed with macaroni and cheese, you can thank Thomas Jefferson for bringing back recipes and machines to make it in the United States. However, most americans get their fill with a blue box and bright orange powder that takes 10 minutes to make. As the "comfort food" movement takes a hold in the US, we look at the rich history of this delicacy and the path it took become one of America's favorite foods. We will explore the science of the classic béchamel sauce, how cheese is made across the world and the varieties available, the Kraft Mac n' Cheese revolution and what's in that orange powder, and a molecular gastronomy take on making better cheese sauces. We will also discuss the physics of the macaroni noodle and how to get the best pasta to cheese ratio. Demos and tastings will be included, so please notify if there are any food allergies.