ESP Biography

CARTER OSBORNE, Stanford Senior studying Political Science

Major: Political Science

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: 2017

Picture of Carter Osborne

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

L4818: The Practice of Everyday Happiness in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 09 - 10, 2016)
This class explores one simple question: how do we become more happy? We will use fun activities and interactive practices to learn about the many components of happiness: compassion, gratitude, relaxation, and more. How can we better express gratitude for others? What is "self-compassion," and how can we use it to enrich our lives? Does being happy actually produce benefits in all the aspects of our daily lives: social, personal, academic, etc? (hint: it does) Students will leave the class with a number of skills and practices to more effectively manage stress, stay resilient during challenging times, and (most importantly) enrich everyday happiness!

S4819: How to be an American Politician in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 09 - 10, 2016)
It's no secret that Americans don't like Congress. In fact, people in the US report liking traffic jams, lice, cockroaches, and root canals all more than our very own federal legislature! What's going on here? Why don't politicians just do the things that the American public wants? Why do they purposefully do things (or refuse to do things) that make them unpopular with We the People? Why do they fight with each other all the time? What's wrong with these people?! In this seminar, we'll discuss the many aspects of being an American politician, and explain why they do what they do. We will primarily focus on Congress, but will also touch on the presidency and the Supreme Court. Topics covered include: campaigning, polarization, obstructionism, voting in Congress, and why on earth we can't all just get along.

S4960: The American Presidency in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 09 - 10, 2016)
Who is the greatest president of all time? George Washington? Abraham Lincoln? How about the only Stanford graduate, Herbert Hoover (although he's not a very popular choice)? While this is fun to think about, this class will explore a deeper question: what made our country's greatest presidents so...well... great? This class will look at arguably the most powerful office in the world, the American presidency, and discuss what makes for a truly great president. We'll cover everything from campaigns to executive orders, from fighting with Congress to international negotiation. And don't worry, there will be plenty of entertaining and mind-blowing stories about presidents and politics along the way.

L4483: The Practice of Everyday Happiness in Splash Fall 2015 (Nov. 07 - 08, 2015)
This class explores one simple question: how do we become more happy? We will use fun activities and interactive practices to learn about the many components of happiness: compassion, gratitude, relaxation, and more. How can we better express gratitude for others? What is "self-compassion," and how can we use it to enrich our lives? Does being happy actually produce benefits in all the aspects of our daily lives: social, personal, academic, etc? (hint: it does) Students will leave the class with a number of skills and practices to more effectively manage stress, stay resilient during challenging times, and (most importantly) enrich everyday happiness.

L4140: The Practice of Everyday Happiness in Splash Spring 2015 (Apr. 11 - 12, 2015)
This class explores one simple question: how do we become more happy? We will use fun activities and interactive practices to learn about the many components of happiness: compassion, gratitude, relaxation, and more. How can we better express gratitude for others? What is "self-compassion," and how can we use it to enrich our lives? Does being happy actually produce benefits in all the aspects of our daily lives: social, personal, academic, etc? (hint: it does) Students will leave the class with a number of skills and practices to more effectively manage stress, stay resilient during challenging times, and (most importantly) enrich everyday happiness.