ESP Biography

DOMINIC BORG, Enthusiastic maker, lover of audio design.

Major: E.E.

College/Employer: West Valley College

Year of Graduation: 2015

Picture of Dominic Borg

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hi, I'm Dom.

I love creating things.
When I'm not taking engineering classes I like to spend time tinkering in my garage, especially with speaker building:

Growing up, participating in Destination Imagination inspired me to apply my creativity in ways I would never have considered otherwise. Over the years I built lots of fun stuff, including a donkey with glowing red eyes ridden by Michelangelo, "fractal forests" made of cardboard and lights, a giant remote controlled subwoofer on wheels, and an entirely "non-solid-state" sound effects device (pictured above). I ultimately made it to DI "Globals" all ten years I participated--as a team member the first eight, and a team coach the last two.

I had a lot of fun at Maker Faire with CuperTinker Space last year, and brought along some experimental line-source speakers and "Dancing Oobleck" as part of our booth.

I taught at this year's spring Splash and I'm looking forward to another great Splash this fall!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

W4062: Oobleck + Speakers in Splash Fall 2014 (Nov. 08 - 09, 2014)
What happens when you mix cornstarch, water and speakers? Come find out at this hands-on walk-in activity! In addition to making a musical mess, you'll get the chance to learn about how sound works by putting together tiny speakers and taking apart big ones.

P3636: Speakers! in Splash! Spring 2014 (Apr. 12 - 13, 2014)
This class will explore the fundamentals of sound and the technology we use to capture, manipulate, and reproduce it. Expect a small and informal class environment. We will start with a discussion of sound as a physical phenomenon, move on to the principles underlying the function of different audio devices, and finally construct our own speakers from paper, wire and magnets during free discussion. Come with questions, iPods, and musical instruments ready!