ESP Biography

BIAFRA AHANONU, Neuroscientist out to conquer space 🧠🚀👨‍🚀

Major: Biology

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Biafra Ahanonu

Brief Biographical Sketch:

BSc from MIT, PhD from Stanford.

I attended MIT, majoring in Biology and Brain & Cognitive Sciences. While there I worked on a variety of projects such as intertemporal discounting in humans, odor chemotaxis and virtual reality in Drosophila, and DNA damage in neurons at MIT and Janelia Farm and abroad in Switzerland, Spain, Mexico, and Singapore.

I recently completed my PhD in Biology at Stanford in Mark Schnitzer's lab. I study how neural circuits function normally and during disease and develop computational tools for calcium imaging analysis.

Originally from Arizona, I play tennis/sports, write on my website, and love everything neuroscience- and space-related.

Past Classes

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