ESP Biography

ALI MCCULLY, Stanford postdoc elucidating microbial metabolisms

Major: Civil & Environment Engineering

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: NA

Picture of Ali McCully

Brief Biographical Sketch:

My name is Ali, and I am a postdoc researching Microbiology at Stanford University! I have always been in awe of the diversity of life even from a young age. When I first entered my undergraduate education, I was exposed to the world of Microbiology and all the amazing things that microscopic organisms do on a daily basis. Whether it is ensuring that we have oxygen to breathe, cleaning up our water, or consuming plastics, microbes will always find a way to thrive in almost any environment.

Growing up in the south and being the first person in my family to pursue research as a career, one of my main missions is to encourage engagement with young people about science. If we all did our part to engage people, especially those from under-represented minority groups, we would benefit immensely from increasing public appreciation about science and creating an inclusive space.

Past Classes

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