ESP Biography

LESLIE TODD, Medical Communications Professional

Major: Not available.

College/Employer: self

Year of Graduation: 1989

Picture of Leslie Todd

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Leslie Todd has worked in medical communications for 18 years in the Bay Area and has publications in oncology, dermatology, urology, and infectious disease. Her philosophy is to make medical writing accessible to the largest number of readers. Good writing is good writing whether it is a medical paper, a computer manual or an art history paper. My undergraduate work was in biochemistry, and my graduate work was in art history.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

B2532: Science Writing in Splash! Fall 2012 (Nov. 03 - 04, 2012)
We'll explore some methods for writing papers for publication in scientific journals. The examples will focus on writing for a medical journal about hantavirus, which recently caused illness and death in several visitors to Yosemite National Park. Bring paper and pencil -- we'll be writing.