ESP Biography

LYNN BARTZ, Parent, CPA, Genealogist, Writer, Bridge Player

Major: Business Admin/Accounting

College/Employer: San Jose State University

Year of Graduation: 1983

Picture of Lynn Bartz

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Education: B.S. degree from San Jose State University, 1983, in Business Administration, emphasis Accounting. Numerous advanced writing courses at SJSU and Stanford.

Accounting Career: Obtained CPA certification while working at Ernst & Young, "Big 6" public accountants. Worked in accounting management in private industry for 10 years. Currently treasurer of the Los Gatos United Soccer League.

Writing "Career": Memoir essays published in Reed and San Jose Mercury News.

Hobbies: Genealogy (since 1970), duplicate bridge, Photoshop editing, scrapbooking, sewing, 4H volunteer (chickens, rabbits).

Family: Husband and 3 sons, 2 still at home, ages 12 and 14.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H400: Climbing the Branches of Your Family Tree: Intro to Genealogy in Splash! Spring 2009 (Apr. 04 - 05, 2009)
Have you ever wondered if you're related to someone famous--a celebrity, a war hero, an inventor? Are there other reasons you might want to learn about your ancestors and distant cousins? We will explore the basics of researching and documenting your family history, which the internet has made easier than ever. Learn how to get started, how to avoid common pitfalls and dead ends, how to organize and document your information, and what makes it all so interesting in the first place.